This page is deisgned to help Knutsford Brothers get access to the members area of this web-site. It also, hopefully, answers some questions that you may want answering.
Logging In
You log in to the Members Area with your email address. It is the email address that the secretary or president use to communicate with you.
Start by going to the Welcome page. The Log In section will be visible on the right (on a desktop or laptop). If you are using a smaller screen you may have to scroll down to see it
Then enter your password. Remember to tick the “Remember Me” box so that you don’t have to keep entering the password every time you log in.
If it is your first time (or if you have forgotten your password) click the ‘Lost your password?” link that is just below the white box. Then enter your email address and you will get an email with instructions on how to reset your password.
If you want (and we would like you to) please update your profile and complete as many fields as you can. These will be used to add information to your entry in the Member Directory. The directory is only visible to other Knutsford Brothers.
Forgotten your password?
if you have forgotten your password) click the ‘Lost your password?” link that is just below the white box. Then enter your email address and you will get an email with instructions on how to reset your password.
What is available in the Members Area?
The web-site is constantly developing. At the moment the members area allows you access to:
- The Circle diary – including details of all meetings and planned events. You can also book attendance at events.
- Access to the minutes of Circle and Council meetings
- Access to Newsletters
- Access to the Circle photo gallery – which goes back quite a few years
- All the obituaries of deceased brothers (where available)
- The circle members directory which includes some biographical details if available
Why use the Members Area?
- The members area gives you access to some information that is not readily available elsewhere – especially the Circle diary, access to previous minutes and all the photos.
- We can effectively manage bookings for events and you can see all events that you are booked into.
- You always have access to the latest information
- Increasing use of the web-site reduces the administration load on the officers of the circle.