President: Sean McGhee
September Circle Meeting: There were 22 Knutsford Brothers and 4 visitors present at the September meeting.
Next meeting at Cottons Hotel (and on Zoom): 8 pm: 4 October, 2021 – First Monday of the Month (except Bank Holidays: Second Monday)
October Anniversaries
R.I.P.: Paul Dobson, Dennis Hayward, Eric Kukla, Laurie Ryder, Dennis Wilkinson
Enrollment Anniversaries: John Finnan (20yrs)
Birthdays: John Hurst (21)
Recent Events
Dunham Massey Walk – 28th August, 2021

Summer may feel like a distant memory, but just a couple of weeks ago we had a day to rival the best of the Summer weather.
Fortunately it was the day of the Circle walk, from Altrincham, heading to Dunham Massey and back.
The day was sunny from start to finish, but without getting too hot, perfect for walking. The route took us from Altrincham station up the A56 and through some woods and Altrincham Golf Course before reaching Dunham Village, almost untouched by time and home to Dunham Massey Brewery.
We stopped half way round for lunch at the Rope and Anchor, sitting outside to enjoy the weather before heading back across Dunham Massey Deer Park and back though the golf course to Altrincham.
In some ways the timing could not have been better; it was a Saturday and the weather was gorgeous, but due to it being a Bank Holiday weekend and the short notice for the event attendance was down.
But nevertheless, everyone had a very enjoyable day out. For the route, please see:
Visit to Lion Salt Works – 11th September 2021

Although the subject matter may not seem attractive at first sight, the Lion Salt Works Museum turned out to be a fascinating insight into the history not just of the works themselves but into the history, geography and daily life of Northwich and its surroundings going back to Roman times.
This was the site of the last open-pan salt manufacturing works in Britain which stopped production in 1986. The process itself was pretty basic, pump salt brine out of subterranean lakes and heat it in a massive shallow pan at temperatures up to 93 degrees celsius so that the salt crystallizes out and be collected, dried and processed into various grades of salt for the home and for industrial and farming use.
The work was hard manual labour in a very uncomfortable environment and it is surprising that it lasted as long as it did. The effect on the environment by today’s standards must have been huge and the damage caused by underground collapses and resulting subsidence was enormous, blighting the area for decades and holding back the economy of the area due to lack of investment.
Nevertheless, it turned out to be a worthwhile visit for anyone who is interested in local history. I certainly learned a few new facts, for instance, what the origin of the Northwich “flashes” are and the reason why we have the various “wiches” e.g. Northwich, Middlewich and Nantwich.
Peter Pozzoni’s Award

Forthcoming Events
Catenian Sunday Lunch – Rose and Crown, 26 September 12-2pm
Membership Night – Leigh Arms, 30 September 8-10 pm
Walk in Tatton Park – 2nd October, 10am -1 pm
Events around the Province
Sam’s Luncheon Club
This month we are highlighting the return of a Province 17 institution, namely “Sam’s Luncheon Club” which re-opens on on 12th October at the new venue The Belmore Hotel, (Brooklands Rd, Sale M33 3QN) due to the closure of its previous home, The Bowden Hotel.
The event will take place in the function suite at the side/rear of the hotel which has its own wheelchair friendly entrance.
The format and timings are unaltered at 12:30 for 13:00 and the meal will be followed by a speaker. On this occasion the speaker will be Mike Connolly of Ringway Circle. The cost will be £16 per head which is a slight increase on the pre-pandemic cost but not an unreasonable one.
Don’t forget that Ladies are very welcome as are circle widows, friends and prospective members.
Last date for bookings is 8th October, we need a minimum of 30 places so please don’t delay. Contact John Shaw to get your names on the list.
4 Knutsford Circle Provincial Visit
5 Didsbury Ladies After Circle Buffet at St. Kentigern’s, 7.30pm
8 Brooklands Clergy Dinner
12 Sam’s luncheon club, Belmore Hotel, Brooklands Road, Sale, 12.30pm
14 Golf Society: David O’Connor Trophy, Stockport GC
28 Macclesfield 40yr scroll presentation to Dick Murphy
29 Crewe Charter & Clergy Dinner, Vale Royal Abbey, 7pm – Provincial Event
30 Province 17 Golf Society, Ladies & Presentation Dinner, Macclesfield GC
Visits to other Circles in September
7 Didsbury (John Sutton)
8 Ringway (John Sutton)
17 Provincial Mass for the Deceased (John Sutton, Sean McGhee, Martin Relton, John
Long, John Ross, Bill Gore, Richard Brown)
20 North Cheshire (John Sutton)
22 Crewe (John Sutton)
28 Ashton (John Sutton)
Visits Planned in October
19 Warrington
21 Brooklands
28 Macclesfield
29 Crewe Charter & Clergy Dinner
Please contact John Sutton if you would like to accompany him on any of these visits.
Keep Connected
Use your Circle web-site:
Keep up-to-date with circle events, news and chat – join the Circle WhatsApp Group. Email your name and mobile number to You will need to have WhatsApp installed on your mobile phone.
The Provincial Calendar tells you about meetings and events across the province. Contact the Secretary or John Sutton to get access.
The National Catenian web-site is at To login to the Members Area: Username – ‘Members’; password – Prayers*0819
Catena Magazine: The on-line edition:’. The login name is your own regular email address.
Reflection Corner

2nd Octobers celebrates the foundation of Opus Dei in 1928. Since I (Felix) – the editor of the Newsletter – am a member, I thought I would share some thoughts from the Founder, Saint Josemaria Escrivá:
I. “Your ordinary contact with God takes place where your fellow men, your yearnings, your work and your affections are. There you have your daily encounter with Christ. It is in the midst of the most material things of the earth that we must sanctify ourselves, serving God and all mankind.”
II. “Let me stress this point: it is in the simplicity of your ordinary work, in the monotonous details of each day, that you have to find the secret, which is hidden from so many, of something great and new: Love.”
III. “When you bring order into your life your time will multiply, and then you will be able to give God more glory by working more in his service.”
IV. “It is no good offering to God something that is less perfect than our poor human limitations permit. The work that we offer must be without blemish and it must be done as carefully as possible, even in its smallest details, for God will not accept shoddy workmanship. ‘Thou shalt not offer anything that is faulty,’ Holy Scripture admonishes us (Lev. 22:20), ‘because it would not be worthy of him.’ For that reason, the work of each one of us, the activities that take up our time and energy, must be an offering worthy of our Creator. It must be operatio Dei, a work of God that is done for God: in short, a task that is complete and faultless.”