What do Catenians do?
They provide a social network which helps Catholic lay men live out their various vocations as husband, father, friend, work colleague, committed Christian and active Catholic.
How is this help offered?
It is offered to members (and their families) through practical and spiritual support: by steadfast friendship in times of trouble; by offering financial help when needed and through prayer. This support continues with ongoing concern for a deceased member’s widow and dependants.
This support is based on deep and lasting friendships, which are uniquely built upon the firm foundation of a shared faith.
Is the Catenian Association dedicated to Catholic evangelism?
No. However its members are active Catholics who, because of their beliefs and values, play a proactive role within their families, parishes and the wider community where they live and work.
Do Catenians do anything for other people?
Yes. Catenians help young Catholics (especially through the Bursary Fund); working and praying actively for vocations to the priesthood and religious life; raising money for a wide variety of charities and actively promoting the Christian viewpoint on moral issues in an increasingly secular society.
How is Catenian friendship developed?
It is developed by members meeting monthly in their local Circle or Group for a formal meeting, followed by the sharing of a meal or other refreshments. Additionally there is a varied social programme which wives and families are fully involved. All members are entitled to visit any Catenian meeting anywhere in the world.