Benefits of membership

Benefits of Membership

Joining the Catenian Association gives you the chance to:

  • Meet socially and draw support from other Catholic laymen with similar values.
  • Become part of a close community offering lifelong support and friendship.
  • Mix with other Catholic laymen in business, commerce, education, public service and the professions.
  • Enjoy interesting and varied social events for you and your family.
  • Provide collective support for the church and clergy.
  • Receive spiritual and practical support in times of difficulty or need.

Joining the Catenian Association

Membership is by invitation and is open only to practising Catholic laymen over the age of 21 who are financially stable and (if under retirement age) in employment at the time of joining. There are no specific requirements in terms of income or type of occupation, nor a requirement for a member’s wife to be a Catholic: many are not and participate fully in the enjoyment of Catenian life.

Potential members are either approached by, or approach, a current member when interest in the Association is explored and explained. The applicant is then invited to social functions (along with his wife and family where the event is appropriate) so he/they can experience the Catenian ethos.