Dear Brother,
We have an opportunity to change, and improve, the way in which we share information around the Circle. At the moment communication is normally through e-mail. We also use WhatsApp for informal messages (though this is not used by everybody).
Our emails usually include an attachment in various formats – often word or a pdf. Such attachments can be less easy to read for brothers using a mobile phone or tablet.
Our proposal is to stop sending out documents as attachments. Instead you will get an email that includes a link to a page on our web-site. This will enable us to make documents easily readable on any device and will also ensure that any document you read will always be the most recent version (important when we start doing events again).
Before making any changes we would welcome your views. Assuming that feedback is positive we will introduce the system when the new Secretary starts work in April.
Please send your comments to Stuart Jones at
Stuart Jones