Become a Member

Membership is open to all practising Catholic laymen, and permanent Deacons, of 21 years and over, who having had the experience of the Catenian ethos, wish to apply to join the association.

The benefits and commitments of membership are fully explored before a formal membership application is made. Involvement of a member’s wife in these discussions is welcomed.

There are no limitations based on occupation, income or race. Wives of members are not required to be Catholic; many are not and enjoy Catenian life to the full.

How do I join?

Please talk to an existing Catenian or complete and send us your details using the “Contact Us” section of this website.

Invitations are extended for you to attend a number of Circle or Group meetings and social events. With the latter we will welcome your wife and family joining you. Then, after experiencing Catenian fellowship, if there is a desire to commit to membership, formal application is made to a local Circle or Group of your choosing.