Newsletter – July 2021

Knutsford Circle (183)

President: Sean McGhee

June Circle Meeting: (15th zoom meeting): 8 pm via ZOOM.  20 Knutsford Brothers and 4 visitors were present at the June meeting.

Next meeting:  8 pm: 5 July, 2021 – First Monday of the Month (except Bank Holidays: Second Monday)

Goyt Valley Pilgrimage Walk

On June, 19th, a small but valiant group of Catenians and friends trekked the 10 mile distance between the St. Joseph’s and Our Lady’s shrines in the Goyt Valley, under a beating Sun and a soothing breeze, led by an untiring and headlong Stuart Jones.  A Decade was said at the latter for the needs of the brothers.   Top photo left, a view of the scenary. Top photo right, the group including Alison, Nick, Felix, Sean, Stuart, and Marc with Lola and Ruby. Below,  St. Joseph’s and Our Lady’s shrines.

Halle concert at the Bridgewater Hall

On 17 June, Sean McGuee, John Sutton and Richard Brown plus two other brothers, and their respective partners, attended a socially distanced concert at the The Bridgewater Hall – even the orchestra was socially distanced and, yet managed to get all then notes blending the right way! In fact, Sean says that “the concert was excellent with an energetic performance of Beethoven’s Seventh Symphony and two other contrasting pieces by Wagner and lesser known Argentinian composer Osvaldo Golijov”. There was a test at the end of the concert, to see who could pronounce the name of the Argentinian composer correctly. Those who could not, were not allowed out. Some refreshments followed in an excellent night.

July Anniversaries

R.I.P:  Jack Andrews, Steve Bailey, John Etherington, John Sampey and Jim Valliley. Enrolment:  Christopher Jones(6yrs), Michael Hosker(12yrs)

Birthdays:  Felix Martin(26), John Williams-Rigby(28), Nicholas Johnson(17)

Forthcoming Events

Presidents Sunday (18th July). 11.00 Mass (there are still spaces at Mass to be booked online), followed by picnic in the park. Details to follow.

After Circle presentation at Macclesfield on 24th June by Fr Rob Esdaile from Thames Ditton on the topic of ‘Sufficiency – Living with Limitation’ the Christian response to the environmental crisis.

Provincial Calendar

Other visits undertaken in June:

  • Wilmslow – John Sutton, Sean McGhee, John Long, John Ross
  • Warrington – John Sutton
  • North Cheshire – John Sutton

July 13 – GBNC President David Arundale is visiting Provincial Council and all present and past Circle Presidents and Provincial Councillors are invited to attend this event on zoom. Details will be circulated via Circle Secretaries.

July 28 – Provincial Visit to Crewe Circle to which all are invited

The Provincial Diary for June contains the latest information on events occurring across the province including meeting dates for all Circles and contact details for each Circle President and Secretary.

Keep Connected

Use your Circle web-site:

Keep up-to-date with circle events, news and chat – join the Circle WhatsApp Group. Email your name and mobile number to  You will need to have WhatsApp installed on your mobile phone.

The Provincial Calendar tells you about meetings and events across the province.  Contact the Secretary or John Sutton to get access.

The National Catenian web-site is at  To login to the Members Area: Username – ‘Members’; password – Prayers*0819

Catena Magazine: The on-line edition:’. The login name is your own regular email address.

Reflection Corner

As June is the month of the Sacred Heart, it is worth meditation on the Pope’s homily on this topic.

It is not us who first loved God, it’s the other way around: it is He who loved us first. The prophets used the symbol of the almond blossom to explain this reality highlighting the fact that the almond blossom is the first to bloom in spring.  God is like that: he is always first. He’s the first to wait for us, the first to love us, the first to help us.

However, it is not easy to understand God’s love as is narrated in the passage from today liturgical reading in which the Apostle Paul speaks of “preaching to the Gentiles the inscrutable riches of Christ.”
It is a love that cannot be understood. A love that surpasses all knowledge. It surpasses everything. The love of God is so great; a poet described it as a “bottomless sea without shores…” This is the love that we must try to understand, the love that we receive. [….]

How does God manifest his love? With great works? No: He makes himself smaller and smaller with gestures of tenderness and goodness. He approaches His children and with his closeness He makes us understand the greatness of love. God sent us His Son. He sent Him in the flesh and the Son humbled himself until death. [….]

Works of mercy, pave the path of love that Jesus teaches us in continuity with God’s great love for us! We do not need great discourse on love, but men and women who know how to do these little things for Jesus, for the Father. Our works of mercy, he said, are the continuity of this love.