Knutsford Circle (182): Newsletter – Summer 2022

President: John Long

Next meeting at Cottons Hotel (and on Zoom)8:00 pm, 5 September 2022 – First Monday of the Month (except Bank Holidays: Second Monday)

Anniversaries July and August

Rest in Peace

July – Jack Andrews, Steve Bailey., John Etherington., John Sampey., Jim Valliley

August – Frank Brady, John Burns, Tony Dolan., David Norton, Cyril White

Enrolment Anniversaries

July – Michael Hosker (13yrs), Christopher Jones (7yrs)

August – Thomas Gore (27yrs), John Ross (26yrs), Tom Hughes (13yrs)


July – Nicholas Johnson (17th), Felix Martin (25th), John Williams-Rigby (28th)

August – Michael Dobson (10th), John Piper (19th)

President’s update

As you will recall the focus of my year as president is to grow the circle and make it a stronger force in our local catholic community (in province, in school and in church). I want to build greater awareness of us, build great relationships and hold many inclusive events.


  • Several of us (Martin Relton, John Sutton, Sean McGhee, John Ross, David Perls and myself) attended the Provincial Convention held at Ringway Golf Club on 6th July.
  • Myself, John Sutton, Martin Relton and Tony Andrews attended the Provincial meeting at Pinewood Hotel on 12th July. The National President Roger Lillee attended. Roger gave an interesting talk (he is from Southampton circle and is national president despite neve holding provincial office and just one year as circle president). He wants a focus on sharing best practice which is a good idea. One example was having woman holding offices (e.g. communication, social events etc.). Southampton have a reach out group with the university of Southampton catholic society. That includes female students – we live in interesting times!
  • Another is a circle (in Catena this month) in Perth, Australia who host an annual Sons and Daughters’ dinner! One for us to discuss.
  • Provincial Membership Working Group, to be held on Monday,12th September, at 6.30pm. This will become a quarterly event.
  • Pleased to hear Stuart and Martin being positively called out by Provincial President for helping province with the Province web site and new Provincial membership working group
  • We are proposing our October Circle meeting will be Joint meeting with Wilmslow on 3rd October (at the Cottons)


  • School summer fete Sunday 9th July. This was very successful, and we got very good feedback from the PTA. The event raised £4500 for the PTA and our stall raised £280. Thank you to John and Jean, Richard and Peter Lowe
  • I am inviting the school to President Saturday to further promote the Catenians within the school community


  • Stuart is now managing the Parish Social calendar. Thank you, Stuart.
  • We are helping Father David arrange a parish meal at Knutsford Golf Club one Friday evening in November (TBC)
  • Father has asked us to provide mulled wine and mince pies at the Parish Carol Concert (Date TBC). We will also be providing wine and mince pies for Dec 3rd for the Crib ceremony

President’s charity

JustDropIn have been given a GREEN light from their trustees to progress with the Knutsford drop-in centre. The need for this is growing in Knutsford. We will launch at Presidents Saturday and will go live in October. New Mayor of Knustford Mike Houghton and his wife will attend. I will invite Knutsford Guardian for publicity.


School ‘PTA Festival on the Field’ – Saturday 9th July

We supported St Vincent’s school summer festival on the field on Sunday 9th July. This was very successful, and we got very good feedback from the PTA. The event raised £4500 for the PTA and our stall raised £280. Thank you to John and Jean, Richard and Peter Lowe

Sunday Lunch at Rose and Crown – Sunday 7th August

We had a Sunday lunch at the Rose and Crown on Sunday 7th August. This was attended by a select gathering of brothers, partners, and widows. Please see photo below. The meal was very nice and enjoyed by all. Attendance was clearly reduced by holiday commitments. We will re- run later in the year. Thank you, Brother Bill, for organising.

A reminder – subscriptions are due

Would all brothers please remember that subscriptions are now due.  If you have not already paid, please do so.

Full member£150
Country member£100
Joint membership£90

Payment should be made by BACS – details are as follows:
Sort Code: 08 92 99
Account Number: 683 09 358
reference is: your name

Forthcoming Events

·         President’s Saturday – September 17th
·       Christmas Crib on 3rd December
·       Christmas Dinner at Cottons – 5th December
·       Recollection at Thorneycroft – TBA
·       Couples’ Conference at Thorneycroft – TBA
·       Gourmet meal at Bistro Pierre, Altrincham – TBA
·       Children’s Make your own pizza (Sessions House) – TBA.
·       Sale Sharks – TBAPresident’s Saturday – September 17th

Events around the Province


11th – National Public Speaking Contest – Pendulum Hotel, Sackville Street, Manchester M1 3BB, 1pm

15th – Brooklands Circle Meeting with Ladies and Quiz social, 8pm

19th – North Cheshire Circle Meeting followed by Quiz & Hot Pot supper, 7.30pm

22nd – Macclesfield Circle Meeting and Ladies After with National President, 7.30pm

28th – Crewe & District, 800th Circle Meeting and Clergy Dinner with Ladies and National President, Stoke City FC, 6.30pm

Visits to other Circles

Brothers are encouraged to visit other Circles meetings and support their events.

Note, there is now a Province 17 web site that provides links to Circles and information on upcoming events around the province. The Catenian Association Province 17 (

Keep Connected

Use your Circle web-site:

Keep up-to-date with circle events, news and chat – join the Circle WhatsApp Group. Email your name and mobile number to  You will need to have WhatsApp installed on your mobile phone.

The National Catenian web-site is at  To login to the Members Area: Username – ‘Members’; password – Prayers*0819

Catena Magazine: The on-line edition:’. The login name is your own regular email address.

Reflection Corner – The Assumption of Mary

The Assumption Day is celebrated on or around August 15 in many countries, particularly in parts of Europe and South America.

Assumption Day commemorates the belief that when Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ, died, her body was “assumed” into heaven to be reunited with her soul, instead of going through the natural process of physical decay upon death.

Assumption Day is a public holiday in countries such as Austria, Belgium, Chile, Croatia, France, parts of Germany, Guatemala, Greece, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, and Switzerland. It is also celebrated in Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, the United States, and others, despite not being considered a public holiday. It is celebrated colorful processions, performances, pageants, and fireworks, but each region puts its own spin on celebrations.

Although the holiday goes by many different names — Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Dormition of the Most Holy Mother of God, and the Feast of the Assumption to name a few — it has been celebrated since the fourth century C.E.

In 1950, Pope Pius XII declared the Assumption of Mary official dogma of the Roman Catholic Church. The Catholic Church teaches that the Virgin Mary “having completed the course of her earthly life, was assumed body and soul into heavenly glory.”

Assumption of Mary, Rubens, circa 1626

At Assumption Day celebrations, it is common to artistic depictions of the Virgin Mary on display. This artwork, done by Rubens around 1626, portrays the Assumption of Mary. Other Western artists, such as Duccio, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Raphael, Giovanni Bellini, and Caravaggio have also created art featuring the Virgin Mary.