Council Minutes: Jan-Mar-2024

11th March, 2024

Present:  John Long, Felix Martin, Sean McGhee, and Stuart Jones

Apologies: Martin Relton, Eddie Haughey, John Sutton, Steve Graham

The meeting was held at the Legh Arms, started at 19:00 and finished at 21:20


  • Felix to
    • Update the message/flyer for the St. George’s night event.
    • Confirm a date for the Recollection at Thorneycroft in May
  • Stuart to
    • Work with Felix to communicate the St. George’s night event
    • Add Sean to the events@ email forwarding list
    • Include a vote on the new subs in the agenda for the next meeting
    • Liaise with Eddie about the formal communications asking people to pay their subs for 2024/25.  This message to include a note that if anyone with any difficulties in paying to speak to the President
    • Send John/Felix the script for installing the new president
    • Inform Circle of the Meeting dates in April and May (due to both being affected by Bank Holidays)
  • Sean to
    • Send to Stuart a communication about the Avro Heritage Site Visit to forward to the Circle and Province
  • John Long to
    • Use WhatsApp to communicate a get together at the Knutsford Beer Festival on 25th April.
    • Liaise with Father David about a shared table event for the parish celebrating the varied culinary backgrounds of all parishioners.
    • Mention, at the next Circle meeting, the correspondence he had received from Head Office offering their condolences about the death of Tony Weir.

Those actions starting with a ‘*’ are outstanding from previous meetings. The number of stars indicates how many months.

Completed Actions

  • Stuart Jones to:
    • Forward a copy of Tony Weir’s obituary to the Circle – Done
    • Ensure that Margaret Weir is recorded as a widow on the Catenian Database and will continue to receive Catena – Done
    • Send out reminders for the Charter Dinner and Beartown Brewery tours – Done
  • Felix to
    • * Finalise his proposals for the St. George’s night event – Done (see below)
    • Check that Gideon is available for enrolment in March and to ensure that, with Alfonso, he is briefed on the ceremony. Done
    • Ask Nick Johnson about being the person who would orchestrate the taking of photos and writing some copy at each event. Done
  • Eddie to:
    • * Liaise with David Perls to see if we still have the contacts to arrange a minibus for the Beartown brewery visit. Not needed
  • Steve
    • **to check with Father David on his views about how to best provide an AED for the church. Done
    • To ask Jim Flood if he could cover his Registrar duties until November. Done


  • None

Matters arising from the last Circle Meeting



We noted that Peter Lowe and Bill Gore continue to need our support and that contact is being made with both.

Stuart had spoken to James O’Dude who was in good spirits.  His health remain poor and he appreciates our prayers.

We noted that Mike Diver (no longer a member) is poorly and needs our prayers.

Our sick list is: James O’Dude, Joan Shaw (wife of Brother John). Also Bro Jim Flood’s niece’s child Finn, Peter Phillips (former President of the Circle), Mike Diver and George Moon (great grandson of former brother Peter Kerr).

Social Events

The Charter and Clergy dinner went well with 34 people attending.  The Beartown brewey visit had to be postponed due to lack of numbers.

We discussed the St. Gearge’s day dinner.  The venue has had to be moved to the Parish Hall (due to a leak at John’s clubhouse). Felix has purchased some champagne and is organising the table games with Nick Johnson and Martin Relton.  We agreed that we should mention to people that they could bring a bottle for alternative drinks.  The event will be marketed to the parish and school as well as the Circle.

Felix is meeting with Nick, Simeon and Alfonso this week to discuss entertainments and communication of such events.  The value of sharing photos and a short description of events was highlighted.

The new social events list below includes the items provided by Felix in his calendar for 2024/25, with help from Nick, Simeon and Alfonso

Mar16-3-24Sat10:00Parish WalkStuart Jones
Apr26-4-24Fri20:00St. George’s Night event – house party with Champagne and CanapesFelix Martin
Apr25-4-24Thu-Sat Knutsford Beer FestivalJohn Long
May21-5-24Tue10:30Visit to Avro Museum – cost £16Sean McGhee
MayTBC  Pilgrimage to Thornycroft and BBQFelix Martin
June13-6-24Thu12:30Peover Hall visit followed by meal at the DogMartin Relton
JuneTBC  Pimms at the Bowling ClubTBC
JuneTBC  Walk in the RoachesTBC
JulTBC  Wine Tasting – Morgan EdwardsTom Hughes
JulTBC  Breakfast at Tiffanys 
SepTBC  Parenthood Talk 
SepTBC  Clay Pigeon Shooting 
OctTBC  Family Golf Lesson 
OctTBC  Thornycroft RecollectionFelix Martin
NovTBC  Mass for deceased brothers 
NovTBC  Drinks at the Legh Arms and Bonfire Night 
DecTBC  Crib Set Up and opening 
DecTBC  Christmas Dinner/Party 
DecTBC  Church Carol Service 
DecTBC  Beer and Curry Night 
JanTBC  Children’s Christmas PartyMartin Relton
JanTBC  Food and Drinks at the Picture-Drome, Macclesfield 
FebTBC  Charter and Clergy Dinner 
FebTBC  Meal somewhere – new restaurant Linden Stores 
FebTBC  Visit to the Cat and Fiddle Gin Distillery 
MarTBC  Canal Walk from Macclesfield to Bollington Cricket Club 
MarTBC  Thornycroft RecollectionFelix Martin
TBCTBC  Book ClubStuart Jones
TBCTBCWed19:00Beartown Brewery Visit Cost £25 a head to include some food (but not a meal)Steve Graham

There was a discussion about the proposed St. George’s Event – April 2024. Felix is looking at something like a ‘house party’ with Champagne and Canapes and games.  Funds will be raised for his charity – the SVP


We were very pleased to note that Gideon Hayford was enrolled into the Circle on 4th March.

Other potential members being actively encouraged are Ged Mason and Eamonn McManus.


There was no finance report.

Subscriptions for 2024/25 are proposed to be. 

  • Full subs: £172
  • Country Membership: £117
  • Joint Membership: £107

There will be a further £5 increase for 2025/26.

Province and national

There was no report.

Officers for 2024/25

We reviewed the latest list of officers for next year.

  • President – Felix Martin
  • Vice President(s) – TBA
  • Treasurer – Eddie Haughey
  • Secretary – Stuart Jones
  • Membership Officer – John Long
  • Registrar – Steve Graham
  • Provincial Councillor – Martin Relton. Note – this will be Martin’s last year
  • Entertainments Officer – Nick Johnson
  • Visiting Officer – Not required
  • Marketing Officer – TBA
  • Other Council Members – Past Presidents: Sean McGhee, John Long, John Sutton (though he may not be attending many meetings in 2024)

We discussed potential candidates for the vice-president for Felix to approach.

Felix will be installed as President at the April Circle meeting.

12th February, 2024

Present:  John Long, Eddie Haughey, John Sutton, Felix Martin, Sean McGhee, Steve Graham, and Stuart Jones

Apologies: Martin Relton

The meeting was held at the Legh Arms, started at 19:00 and finished at 21:30


Those actions starting with a ‘*’ are outstanding from previous meetings. The number of stars indicates how many months.

  • Stuart Jones to:
    • Forward a copy of Tony Weir’s obituary to the Circle
    • Ensure that Margaret Weir is recorded as a widow on the Catenian Database and will continue to receive Catena
    • Send out reminders for the Charter Dinner and Beartown Brewery tours
  • Felix to
    • * Finalise his proposals for the St. George’s night event
    • Check that Gideon is available for enrolment in March and to ensure that, with Alfonso, he is briefed on the ceremony.
    • Ask Nick Johnson about being the person who would orchestrate the taking of photos and writing some copy at each event.
  • Eddie to:
    • * Liaise with David Perls to see if we still have the contacts to arrange a minibus for the Beartown brewery visit.
  • Steve
    • **to check with Father David on his views about how to best provide an AED for the church.
    • To ask Jim Flood if he could cover his Registrar duties until November.

Completed Actions

  • John Long to:
    • speak to Knutsford Golf Club to confirm details about the Charter and Clergy Dinner and to let Stuart know.  Completed
    • Confirm arrangements for lunch at the Angel. Decided not to proceed
  • Stuart Jones to:
    • Write to brothers about the Charter and Clergy Dinner. Completed
    • Invite our priests to the Charter and Clergy Dinner. Completed
    • Write to brothers about the Beartown brewery visit. Completed
    • Purchase additional items for the hearing loop system. Completed
    • Ask JWR if he would write an obituary for Tony Weir for submission to Catena and inclusion in Circle records. Completed
    • add Bill Gore to the list of brothers receiving physical mail and, for major events, ensure he gets a phone call. Completed
    • Record Mike Diver as having forfeited his membership. Completed
  • Felix to
    • **approach brothers who could be officers next year and confirm they can be announced at the next Circle meeting. Completed
    • *contact Richard Mullen to see if he would be interested in coming along to a meeting. Completed – interested but no commitment yet
  • Eddie to:
    • *review a proposal to allow brothers to pay subscriptions monthly (by standing order) and confirm suitability back to council. Completed – not approved
    • To propose to Circle, at the next meeting, that we donate £250 to the Alzheimer’s society from Circle funds for Tony Weir. Completed
    • To visit Bill Gore and see what more help/support/visits he wants. Completed
  • Steve
    • To check with Tom Hughes about a date for the wine tasing – Tom has been chased will now integrate into the new diary


  • We agreed that if brothers ask for help with spreading payments of subscriptions we will allow subs to be paid in two instalments 6 months apart

Matters arising from the last Circle Meeting



Fran Gore passed away on the 9th February, her funeral is expected to take place on the 1st March.  Bill has been getting lots of visits/contact and we need to ensure he remains supported.

Tony Weir’s obituary has been approved by his family and has been forwarded to James Power for inclusion in Catena.  John Long received a note from GBNC with their condolences.

We noted that Peter Lowe continues to need our support and several brothers have been keeping in touch with him.

We have heard that James O’Dude, Mike Diver and Wendy Hurst are in hospital and need our prayers

Our sick list is: James O’Dude, Joan Shaw (wife of Brother John). Also Bro Jim Flood’s niece’s child Finn, Peter Phillips (former President of the Circle), Mike Diver and George Moon (great grandson of former brother Peter Kerr).

Social Events

The Charter and Clergy dinner has 18 people signed up to attend – including Father David.  A reminder is needed to encourage more brothers to attend.

So far only 6 people have signed up to attend the visit to Beartown Brewery. A reminder is needed to encourage more brothers to attend.

The new social events list below includes the items provided by Felix in his calendar for 2024/25, with help from Simeon and Alfonso

Feb8-2-24Thu18:30 for 19:00Charter and Clergy Dinner Black Tie (or lounge suit and tie), men onlyJohn Long
Feb21-2-24Sun12:30Lunch at the Angel – widows and friends to be invited. Time/date to be confirmedJohn Long
Mar6-3-24Wed19:00Beartown Brewery Visit Cost £25 a head to include some food (but not a meal)Steve Graham
Mar16-3-24Sat10:00Parish WalkStuart Jones
Apr26-4-24Fri20:00St. George’s Night event – house party with Champagne and CanapesFelix Martin
Apr25/7-4-24Thu-Sat Knutsford Beer FestivalTBC
May21-5-24Tue10:30Visit to Avro Museum – cost £16Sean McGhee
MayTBC  Pilgrimage to Thornycroft and BBQFelix Martin
June13-6-24Thu12:30Peover Hall visit followed by meal at the DogMartin Relton
JuneTBC  Pimms at the Bowling ClubTBC
JuneTBC  Walk in the RoachesTBC
JulTBC  Wine Tasting – Morgan EdwardsTom Hughes
JulTBC  Breakfast at Tiffanys 
SepTBC  Parenthood Talk 
SepTBC  Clay Pigeon Shooting 
OctTBC  Family Golf Lesson 
OctTBC  Thornycroft RecollectionFelix Martin
NovTBC  Mass for deceased brothers 
NovTBC  Drinks at the Legh Arms and Bonfire Night 
DecTBC  Crib Set Up and opening 
DecTBC  Christmas Dinner/Party 
DecTBC  Church Carol Service 
DecTBC  Beer and Curry Night 
JanTBC  Children’s Christmas PartyMartin Relton
JanTBC  Food and Drinks at the Picture-Drome, Macclesfield 
FebTBC  Charter and Clergy Dinner 
FebTBC  Meal somewhere – new restaurant Linden Stores 
FebTBC  Visit to the Cat and Fiddle Gin Distillery 
MarTBC  Canal Walk from Macclesfield to Bollington Cricket Club 
MarTBC  Thornycroft RecollectionFelix Martin
TBCTBC  Book ClubStuart Jones

There was a discussion about the proposed St. George’s Event – April 2024. Felix is looking at something like a ‘house party’ with Champagne and Canapes and games.  Funds will be raised for his charity – the SVP


Gideon Hayford has formally applied for membership.  We agreed that enrolment will take place in March (unless Gideon is not available).

Other potential members being actively encouraged are Ged Mason, Eamonn McManus and Bipin Kuriakosea.


We have £5,350 in the bank and expect to end the year with £5,100. 

We discussed subscriptions for 2024/25 and agreed that we would increase them by just the amount agreed nationally for the change in the capitation fee.  This is expected to be £12 which would increase our subs as follows. 

  • Full subs: £172
  • Country Membership: £117
  • Joint Membership: £107

There will be a further £5 increase for 2025/26.  The revised subs will be highlighted at the next meeting for subsequent approval at the AGM.

Province and national

There was no report.

Officers for 2024/25

We reviewed the latest list of officers for next year.

  • President – Felix Martin
  • Vice President(s) – TBA
  • Treasurer – Eddie Haughey
  • Secretary – Stuart Jones
  • Membership Officer – John Long
  • Registrar – Steve Graham
  • Provincial Councillor – Martin Relton. Note – this will be Martin’s last year
  • Entertainments Officer – Nick Johnson
  • Visiting Officer – Not required
  • Marketing Officer – TBA
  • Other Council Members – Past Presidents: Sean McGhee, John Long, John Sutton (though he may not be attending many meetings in 2024)

Steve Graham mentioned that he would not be able to make meetings until November.  He will ask Jim Flood if he would be happy to cover for him.

We had a wide-ranging discussion about the Marketing officer role and noted that the main audience for news about the Circle were brothers and widows who could not attend regularly as well as other circles.  We would try an spread out photography and copy writing duties but need one person to orchestrate this.  Felix will ask Nick Johnson.

8th January, 2024

Present:  John Long, Eddie Haughey, John Sutton, Felix Martin, Sean McGhee, Steve Graham, Martin Relton and Stuart Jones

Apologies: None

The meeting was held at the Legh Arms, started at 19:00 and finished at 21:30


Those actions starting with a ‘*’ are outstanding from previous meetings. The number of stars indicates how many months

  • John Long to:
    • speak to Knutsford Golf Club to confirm details about  the Charter and Clergy Dinner and to let Stuart know
    • Confirm arrangements for a lunch at the Angel
  • Stuart Jones to:
    • Write to brothers about the Charter and Clergy Dinner
    • Invite our priests to the Charter and Clergy Dinner
    • Write to brothers about the Beartown brewery visit
    • Purchase additional items for the hearing loop system
    • Ask JWR if he would write an obituary for Tony Weir for submission to Catena and inclusion in Circle records
    • add Bill Gore to the list of brothers receiving physical mail and, for major events, ensure he gets a phone call.
    • Record Mike Diver as having forfeited his membership.
  • Felix to
    • **approach brothers who could be officers next year and confirm they can be announced at the next Circle meeting
    • *contact Richard Mullen to see if he would be interested in coming along to a meeting
    • Finalise his proposals for the St. George’s night event
  • Eddie to:
    • *review a proposal to allow brothers to pay subscriptions monthly (by standing order) and confirm suitability back to council.
    • To propose to Circle, at the next meeting, that we donate £250 to the Alzheimer’s society from Circle funds for Tony Weir.
    • To visit Bill Gore and see what more help/support/visits he wants.
    • Liaise with David Perls to see if we still have the contacts to arrange a minibus for the Beartown brewery visit.
  • Steve
    • *to check with Father David on his views about how to best provide an AED for the church.
    • To check with Tom Hughes about a date for the wine tasting

Completed Actions

  • Stuart to include an agenda item for next Circle meeting to confirm that as a matter of principle we will not charge for children U12 for events.
  • Stuart to Send out updates about – the beer and curry night, children’s party, and change of date of circle meeting from 1st Jan to the 8th Jan
  • Stuart to Ask brothers to pay their outstanding bills for the Christmas Dinner
  • Stuart to Price the cost of hearing loop system and seek approval from Council to purchase one before the next meeting
  • Stuart to to check with Eddie/Cottons that we can have our next meeting on the 8th Jan (not the 1st)
  • Felix to *contact Chris Jones to see if he has access to something we could auction at the Christmas Party


  • We agreed that Mike Diver should forfeit his membership having not paid his subscriptions for this year.  Feedback from contact with Mike was that he no longer wanted to be a member of the association.
  • We agreed to the funding of additional items for the hearing loop system to allow it to be linked to an amplifier.  Total Cost £47
  • We discussed subscriptions for 2024/25 and agreed that we would increase them by just the amount agreed nationally for the change in the capitation fee.  This is expected to be £12 which would increase our subs to £172.

Matters arising from the last Circle Meeting

We discussed the production of an obituary for Tony Weir – for the records of the Circle and for Catena.  Stuart will ask JWR to help.

We also agreed that the Circle will be asked to approve a donation of £250 to the Alzheimer’s society from Circle funds.

We will continue to keep Margaret included in all our communications and will, of course add her to our list of widows to be invited as a guest at key events during the year.


Fran Gore is now at Mount Pleasant nursing home and needs our prayers.

Bill Gore is adjusting to life in his new home in Centennial Place and would appreciate visitors.  We know that he is not getting access to Circle email and WhatsApp communications.  Stuart will add him to the list of brothers receiving physical mail and, for major events, ensure he gets a phone call.

We noted that Peter Lowe continues to need our support following his recent fall.

Our sick list is: Fran Gore, James O’Dude, Joan Shaw (wife of Brother John). Also Bro Jim Flood’s niece’s child Finn, Margaret and Peter Phillips (former President of the Circle, Michelle Skidmore (wife of David – a good friend of the Circle) and George Moon (great grandson of former brother Peter Kerr)

Social Events

We noted that the Children’s Party, organised by Martin Relton went very well.  50 children attended and it was oversubscribed.

The beer and curry night held before Christmas was also well attended and enjoyed by all.  Thanks again to Martin Relton for getting a new venue sorted out with only a couple of days notice.

The new social events list below includes the items provided by Felix in his calendar for 2024/25, with help from Simeon and Alfonso.

Feb8-2-24Thu18:30 for 19:00Charter and Clergy Dinner Black Tie (or lounge suit and tie), men onlyJohn Long
Feb21-2-24Sun12:30Lunch at the Angel – widows and friends to be invited. Time/date to be confirmedJohn Long
Mar6-3-24Wed19:00Beartown Brewery Visit Cost £25 a head to include some food (but not a meal)Steve Graham
Mar16-3-24Sat10:00Parish WalkStuart Jones
AprTBC  St. George’s Night event – house party with Champagne and CanapesFelix Martin
AprTBC  Knutsford Beer FestivalTBC
MayTBC  Pilgrimage to Thornycroft and BBQFelix Martin
MayTBC  Peover Hall visit followed by meal at the DogMartin Relton
JuneTBC  Pimms at the Bowling ClubTBC
JuneTBC  Walk in the RoachesTBC
JulTBC  Wine Tasting – Morgan EdwardsTom Hughes
JulTBC  Breakfast at Tiffanys 
SepTBC  Parenthood Talk 
SepTBC  Clay Pigeon Shooting 
OctTBC  Family Golf Lesson 
OctTBC  Thornycroft RecollectionFelix Martin
NovTBC  Mass for deceased brothers 
NovTBC  Drinks at the Legh Arms and Bonfire Night 
DecTBC  Crib Set Up and opening 
DecTBC  Christmas Dinner/Party 
DecTBC  Church Carol Service 
DecTBC  Beer and Curry Night 
JanTBC  Children’s Christmas PartyMartin Relton
JanTBC  Food and Drinks at the Picture-Drome, Macclesfield 
FebTBC  Charter and Clergy Dinner 
FebTBC  Meal somewhere – new restaurant Linden Stores 
FebTBC  Visit to the Cat and Fiddle Gin Distillery 
MarTBC  Canal Walk from Macclesfield to Bollington Cricket Club 
MarTBC  Thornycroft RecollectionFelix Martin
TBCTBC  Avro Heritage Museum visitSean McGhee
TBCTBC  Book ClubStuart Jones

There was a discussion about the proposed St. George’s Event – April 2024. Felix is looking at something like a ‘house party’ with Champagne and Canapes. Feedback on his proposal was generally positive but also included some additional thoughts:

  • For an evening do people would probably appreciate more substantial food rather than just canapes.
  • Some people would prefer other drink options than just Champagne (and the champagne needs to be ‘decent’)
  • To keep costs down we could have a shared table, a buffet, bring your own bottles or find a caterer for something like fish and chips


We have three visiting brothers at the moment

  • Eamonn McManus – sponsored by John Long
  • Bipin Kuriakosea and Gideon Hayford sponsored by Felix Martin and Alfonso Escaurazia.

We are hopeful that, assuming our visitors stay interested, that they could join us shortly.

Felix will also ask Richard Mullen if he is interested in coming along to a meeting or our Thursday Night Drinks – which will take place on 1st Feb.


We have over £5,900 in the bank but with about £700 expected spend between now and the end of the year.  Overall funds have increased by about £1,500 this year.  This is due to several factors:

  • Smaller bills from Cottons for drinks due to lower numbers of visitors/brothers
  • No ladies’ evenings were held
  • The president (and treasurer/secretary) has not submitted any bills for personal expenses.

It was noted that whilst the president had not submitted any expenses this year – this did not mean that the incoming president should follow suit.  It is normally expected that the president does use his honorarium.

We discussed subscriptions for 2024/25 and agreed that we would increase them by just the amount agreed nationally for the change in the capitation fee.  This is expected to be £12 which would increase our subs to £172.

Province and national

We noted that Wilmslow Circle is likely to merge with North Cheshire.

Officers for 2024/25

We reviewed the latest list of officers for next year.

  • President – Felix Martin
  • Vice President(s) – Felix is discussing options with Simeon and Alfonso
  • Treasurer – Eddie Haughey
  • Secretary – Stuart Jones
  • Membership Officer – Nick Johnson
  • Registrar – Steve Graham
  • Provincial Councillor – Martin Relton. Note – this will be Martin’s last year
  • Entertainments Officer – TBA
  • Visiting Officer – TBA
  • Marketing Officer – TBA
  • Other Council Members – Past Presidents: Sean McGhee, John Long, John Sutton (though he may not be attend many meetings in 2024)

Other notes

The hearing aid loop system had worked well and was well received.  Stuart asked for additional funding to purchase a speaker cable and reusable cable covers – this was approved.

Stuart briefed the council on the recent change in Catenian branding.