Circle Meetings: Jan – Mar 2023

Knutsford Catenians: Circle 182 – Minutes of the 773rd Circle Meeting held on Monday 6th March, 2023

Presiding: Brother President John Long
Meeting started at 20:00, finished at 21:20


BrothersJohn Long, John Ross, Bill Gore, Martin Roberts, Nick Johnson, John Sutton, David Perls, Peter Lowe, John Williams-Rigby, John Finnan, Simeon Johnson, John Piper, John Shaw, Alfonso Escauriaza, Jim Flood, Stuart Jones, Peter Pozzoni, Eddie Haughey On Zoom: Richard Paley, Richard Brown
Visitors –Brooklands – Mike Chidgey, Warrington – Steve Sunderland, Crewe – Harish Narotham
ApologiesJames Power, Peter Doran, Sean McGhee, Tony Andrews, Steve Graham, Tom Hughes, Felix Martin, Damian Greaves, Martin Relton, Mike Hosker plus Tony Weir, James O’Dude, Paul Yearsley, Fabio Vitiello
There were 5 brothers not present with no apology

There were 20 Knutsford Brothers in attendance and 3 visitors.  There were 14 apologies

Actions outstanding from previous meetings

  • All Brothers – nominations are need for a Vice President for next year.  If you can help, please contact John or Stuart.

New actions from this meeting

  • Martin Roberts to request the cancellation of Catena for Tony Weir.
  • Stuart Jones to send out details of the Tatton walk and Recollection

Closed actions

  • Stuart to send out the restructuring report and feedback form.  The form was sent out and the two responses received have been sent to head office.


  • NA

Circle Prayers

The President led everyone in prayers for the sick Brothers from Knutsford: James O’Dude, Tony Weir, Joan Shaw (wife of Brother John), also Bro Jim Flood’s niece’s child Finn and Peter Phillips (former President of the Circle).

We also prayed for all those on the Provincial Sick List.

  • Ashton: Angela Roylance
  • Brooklands: Bro’s John Constable, Mike Harrison, Gerry Langford; Father Pat Monroe (PP of St Hugh & St John’s), Sheila Connor (widow of late Bro.Tom Connor), Matteo Llerena (Stephen Robinson’s Nephew), Josie Lowe (widow of late Bro. Gerry Lowe), Sue O’Mahoney (Bro. Jim’s Wife) & Elizabeth Tierney (Bro. Peter Kerr’s Niece).
  • Crewe: Bro’s Hugh Brady, Laurence Mooney; Maureen Brady (wife of Bro. Hugh), Alessandro Holmes-Amatiello (late Bro. Luigi’s granddaughter), Stella Cooke (wife of Bro. Frank)
  • Didsbury: Bro’s David Adams, Peter Sivori; Kathy Raftery (wife of Bro. Jim), Pat Ravening, (wife of Bro. Joe)
  • Macclesfield: Bro’s Norman Clayton. Ross Godlieb; Barbara Clayton, Val Godlieb , Jenny Carr, Pacita Hodkin, Lynne Mears, Ethel Kyte, Sue Wilbraham, Sally Boxer (sister-in-law of Bro Mike Guerin), Josephina Barbosa (mother of Bro Ken), Jane Stutynskyj, Peter Onions (brother of Christine Morton-Davies)
  • Ringway: Bro’s. Bernard Grimes, Derek Bottomley, Brian Cann; Greta Bottomley, Trudie Denny
  • Warrington: Bro’s John Atherton, Tony Rudder, Tony Wernham; Meryl Wernham, Philomena Harvey, Josette Ward (daughter of Bro. Terry and Doris Ward)
  • Wilmslow: Bro’s Brendan Delaney, Dennis Hannah, Frank George, James O’Brien, Tony Jenkins; Gaetano Scappaticci, Arnold Hillier, Anthony Sivori; Winifred Delaney, Kath George, Jennifer O’Brien, Luciana Granelli, Joan Quinn, Ann Rawcliffe, Frances Cherouvim (daughter of Bro. Gerald Ramsden), Stephen Jenkins (son of Bro. Tony), Patricia Scappaticci, Dorothy Hillier

Recent Deaths

We remember those Knutsford Brothers whose anniversaries are in March: Albert Arrowsmith, Raymond Boyes, Bill Cassidy, Peter Craig, David Denne, George Lane, Doug Lochhead, Ted Lowe, Bob Quin

We also remembered Dorothy Relton, mother of Martin Relton who died recently.

We remember those who have died recently in Province:

  • Brooklands: Dara Coyne (6yr old nephew of Bro. James Coyne), Rosemary Fahy (sister of Bro. David Astin)
  • Crewe: Mrs Pat Smith (wife of Bro. Gerry Smith), Jim McDonald (elder brother of Bro. John McDonald)
  • Didsbury: Maureen Gaffey (aunt of Bro. Barry Keaveney)
  • Macclesfield: Janet Magee (wife of Bro. Graham), Margaret Gresty (Sister-in-law of Bro Keith Morton-Dasvies)
  • Ringway: Bro. Peter Fleming (joint member of Brooklands)
  • Wilmslow: Nora Pettit (widow of late Bro. Walter Pettit)


JWR had spoken to Margaret Weir and noted that Tony may be moving to a different care home shortly (Mount Pleasant Nursing Home near the Mangoletsi garage).  This may make visiting easier and John will find out if this is possible.

John Finnan also informed the circle that he had met Barbra Hewitt (widow of Keith Hewitt) recently and that she was well but not very mobile and is unlikely to be able to attend catenian events.

We also welcomed back John Piper and Bill Gore after their recent health difficulties.

Secretary’s Report

  • Two comments on the Restructuring Report had been received and forwarded to head office.
  • Neil Farmer has resigned from the Circle and the Association
  • Visits – eight brothers had visited Crewe circle and one Ashton Circle.

Provincial Report

There was no provincial report this month – the next provincial council meeting is on the 14th March.


Social Events

  • The ‘last Thursday of the month’ drinks event was well attended, enjoyed by all and gave some leads to potential members.

Upcoming events are

  • Parish Walk – 11th March
  • Recollection at Thorneycroft Hall – 22nd March
  • Informal meal – 24th March
  • St George’s Night – details to be discussed at the Council meeting


  • The next membership event will be the Thursday drinks on the 30th March.  Please make your best efforts to attend

Bill Gore presented a considered and passionate speech about the importance of focussing on membership which stimulated dome considerable discussion with inputs from the President, John Ross, Harish Narotham, John Shaw, Nick Johnson and Jim Flood.  Key points from the discussion are highlighted below:

  • Our membership has declined from a peak of 62 to the current 39 a reduction of approx. 33%.
  • A focus on membership is needed to ensure the continued viability of the circle.
  • We need to take membership seriously and there is not enough evidence to show that we do.
  • Recognise that all circles are struggling with membership, even more so in the North of England where Catenianism started.
  • Everyone needs to be focussed on membership and we need an active membership officer and committee. We need to do more ‘tapping on the shoulder’.
  • Population of Knutsford is expected to increase by 2-3,000 which should mean at least 50-100 catholic men.
  • We ned to do more about publicising the work and events that we do e.g. in the Knutsford Guardian.  Brothers are very active in the community and we need to show this (e.g. be a bit more like Probus)
  • We have to do more to ensure current members feel happy and supported in the Circle so that we lose fewer members.
  • As an association and circle we are often resistant to change – this needs to change.  We need to better reflect to views of younger generations and consider the big issues such as how we handle meetings, broadening membership to women etc.
  • We should also focus more on the good that we do.
  • It was great that we had recently enrolled two new ‘young’ members and this was indicative of the progress made by the current president.

The president thanked Bill for his input and recognised the issues raised.  Membership remains a priority – but we need current members to step up and take roles such as VP and membership officer.


  • The Treasurer confirmed that our finances are healthy and that we expect to have a surplus of £1,100 at of the year.  With increasing costs (and fewer members) the current forecast is for a £800 deficit next year. 
  • An email has been sent out detailing options for subs for next year and these were briefly discussed. Key points included:
    • It was discussed that he president’s honorarium should be maintained. If presidents subsequently wish to donate the honorarium to charity that is their decision.  Note from the treasurer following the meeting: We can no longer give a president’s honorarium- HMRC deem such to be taxable which is why we refer in the accounts to President’s expenses. Reimbursement of legitimate expenses are not deemed taxable.  The budget for the 2023/24 financial year will include a sum of monies to allow the President to claim expenses should he wish to do so.
    • The idea of a raffle at every meeting was not liked – one once a quarter would be OK.
    • The meeting generally felt that a £10 increase was appropriate with the balance of the deficit filled from reserves or by some form of fund raising
  • A small number of options will be produced by council for voting on at the AGM

Other meeting notes

  • Mike Chidgey – reminded brothers about Sam’s Luncheon Club on 11th April.  This will at the new venue which is Ringway Golf Club.  The cost is £20.
  • Warrington has a Clergy meeting and lunch on 21st March at Lymm Golf Club.  Contact Steve Sunderland if you wish to attend.
  • John Sutton and Bill Gore are planning to visit Ringway Circle on 8th Mar – let John know if you wish to join them.
  • Harish Narotham informed the circle that the Provincial Mass would not be happening in his presidential year.  He hoped that one would happen under the new president shortly.

President’s Report

If anyone would like to attend the Council meeting, please let Stuart know.

Enrolment Anniversaries in March

Nicholas Johnson (24yrs), Kevin Morgan (15yrs), Sean McGhee (13yrs), Martin Roberts (9yrs), Paul O’Brien (5yrs)

Birthdays in March

John Sutton (4th), John Long (4th), Paul O’Brien (29th)

Warm Welcome Trophy

Presented to Harish Narotham of Crewe Circle.

Knutsford Catenians: Circle 182 – Minutes of the 772nd Circle Meeting held on Monday 6th February, 2023

Presiding: Brother President John Long
Meeting started at 20:00, finished at 21:00


BrothersJohn Long, Sean McGhee, John Ross, Martin Roberts, Martin Relton, Nick Johnson, John Sutton, Felix Martin, Tony Andrews, David Perls, Peter Lowe, John Williams-Rigby, Steve Graham, John Finnan, Peter Doran, Tom Hughes, Mike Hosker, John Hurst, Richard Paley, Simeon Johnson, Alfonso Escauriaza, Jim Flood On Zoom: John Piper
Visitors –Brooklands – Hamid Attisha, Mike Chidgey, Peter Kerr Warrington – Steve Sunderland, Macclesfield – Mike Guerin: Davyhulme – Phil Brown, Brian McGaharan: Ashton – Kevin Hartley
ApologiesJames Power, Richard Brown, John Shaw, Damien Grieves, Bill Gore, Eddie Haughey plus Tony Weir, James O’Dude, Paul Yearsley, Fabio Vitiello
There were 9 brothers not present with no apology

There were 24 Knutsford Brothers in attendance and 8 visitors.  There were 10 apologies

Actions outstanding from previous meetings

  1. All Brothers – nominations are need for the President and , Vice President for next year.  If you can help, please contact John or Stuart.

New actions from this meeting

  1. Stuart to send out the restructuring report and feedback form

Closed actions

  1. NA


  1. NA

Circle Prayers

The President led everyone in prayers for the sick Brothers from Knutsford: James O’Dude, Tony Weir, Joan Shaw (wife of Brother John) and Bill Gore, also Bro Jim Flood’s niece’s child Finn and Peter Phillips (former President of the Circle) and Martin Relton’s mother Dorothy.

The president reported from Jim Flood that Finn (his nieces’ child) and his niece are now out of hospital.  Our prayers for his full recovery are still needed.

We also prayed for all those on the Provincial Sick List.

  • Ashton: Angela Roylance
  • Brooklands: Father Pat Monroe (PP of St Hugh & St John’s), Bro’s John Constable, Mike Harrison, Gerry Langford; Sheila Connor (widow of late Bro.Tom Connor), Matteo Llerena (Stephen Robinson’s Nephew), Josie Lowe (widow of late Bro. Gerry Lowe), Sue O’Mahoney (Bro. Jim’s Wife) & Elizabeth Tierney (Bro. Peter Kerr’s Niece).
  • Crewe: Bro. Hugh & Maureen Brady, Bro. Laurence Mooney; Alessandro Holmes-Amatiello (late Bro. Luigi’s granddaughter), Stella Cooke (wife of Bro. Frank),
  • Didsbury: Bro. David Adams, , Bro. Peter Sivori; Kathy Raftery (wife of Bro. Jim), Pat Ravening, (wife of Bro. Joe)
  • Macclesfield: Bro. Norman and Barbara Clayton, Bro. Ross & Val Godlieb; Jenny Carr, Pacita Hodkin, Lynne Mears, Ethel Kyte, Sue Wilbraham, Sally Boxer (sister-in-law of Bro Mike Guerin), Josephina Barbosa (mother of Bro Ken), Jane Stutynskyj, Peter Onions (brother of Christine Morton-Davies)
  • Ringway: Bro. Bernard Grimes, Bro. Derek & Greta Bottomley, Bro. Brian Cann; Trudie Denny
  • Warrington: Bro. John Atherton, Bro. Tony Rudder, Bro. Tony & Meryl Wernham; Philomena Harvey
  • Wilmslow: Bro. Brendan & Winifred Delaney, Dennis Hannah, Bro. Frank & Kath George, Bro. James & Jennifer O’Brien, Bro. Tony Jenkins, Stephen Jenkins (son of Bro. Tony), Bro. Gaetano & Patricia Scappaticci, Bro. Arnold & Dorothy Hillier, Bro. Anthony Sivori; Luciana Granelli, Joan Quinn, Ann Rawcliffe, Frances Cherouvim (daughter of Bro. Gerald Ramsden)

Recent Deaths

We remember those Knutsford Brothers whose anniversaries are in February: Terry Embury, Keith Hewitt, Steve Leach, Jim Redhead, Peter Rose

We remember those who have died recently in Province:

  • Brooklands: Dara Coyne (6yr old nephew of Bro. James Coyne), Rosemary Fahy (sister of Bro. David Astin)
  • Crewe: Peter McDonald (brother of Bro. John McDonald), Mrs Pat Smith, wife of Bro. Gerry Smith
  • Didsbury: Maureen Gaffey (aunt of Bro. Barry Keaveney)
  • Macclesfield: Janet Magee (wife of Bro. Graham)
  • Ringway: Bro. Peter Fleming (joint member of Brooklands)
  • Wilmslow: Bro. Louis Grannelli

The Circle also remembered Peter Lowe’s brother-in-law and the best friend of Steve Graham’s wife who have also died recently


JWR confirmed that Tony Weir is currently resident at Kitwood House Care Residence, 162 Middlewich Road, Rudheath, Northwich, Cheshire CW9 7DX

No other updates were available

Secretary’s Report

  • Bill Gore had asked the secretary to share his thanks and appreciation for his 90th birthday celebrations at the January Circle Meeting.
  • Brothers were reminded that comments on the Restructuring Report were due at the end of February.
  • Stuart will again be doing the Macclesfield Bikeathon on 20th May in support of Just Drop In.  If any brothers wish to join Stuart for the 60-mile ride they should let him know.

Provincial Report

  • The development of the Provincial Website had slowed up due to non- availability of key personnel, but a demo site should be available for March meeting.
  • A new format for the Provincial Prayer List has been developed. This will be integrated into the provincial website going forward.
  • The date for the Provincial Mass was likely to be 25th February 2023, subject to availability of post mass facilities. Final arrangements will be communicated as soon as possible.
  • The Public Speaking Contest was held on 5th February 2023 with a full complement of speakers.
  • Volunteers are requested from Circles to help with the stewarding and administration of the Sheffield Conference.
  • Province would be making a contribution of £200 to help fund the Manchester University Catholic Chaplaincy Retreat.
  • £880 had been raised from Circles and individuals for the Ukraine Appeal Fund and the Council was joined by representatives of The Oldham Ukrainian Church after the meeting for presentation of the cheque.
  • Appointments – It was agreed that Mike Chidgey will be appointed Provincial President and Mike Swarbrick Treasurer for 2023/4. Ken Lewis will continue as Provincial Secretary for one final year.
  • Membership – Whilst numbers were slightly down, there were some potential members visiting Circles, which should mean that overall Provincial membership evens out.  – Brother Director reported that overall Association membership was slightly down, but there were initiatives taking place to rectify this trend.
  • National – The National Report has been circulated to Circle. – The Report on the Structure of the Association has also been communicated to Circle for comment. A template for returning comments has been sent to the Circle. – There is a proposal to buy an office building to serve as head office as
  • opposed to staying in rented accommodation, thereby reducing ongoing revenue costs. – The cost of Catena will increase from April 2023, but be held for 3 years thereafter.
  • Circles – – Didsbury Circle will be moving temporarily to Didsbury Golf Club pending a permanent move. – Crewe Circle will be moving to a new venue, Holmes Chapel Community Centre.


Social Events

  • The ‘last Thursday of the month’ drinks event was well attended, enjoyed by all and gave some leads to potential members.
  • The Charter Dinner went well – thanks in the main to Tony Andrews who organised the event
  • The Children’s Christmas Party also went very well with 29 children attending, Thanks to Martin Relton for organising this annual event, he received many notes of thanks from those who attended

Upcoming events are

  • Parish Walk – 11th March
  • Informal meal – 24th March
  • St George’s Night – details to be discussed at the Council meeting


  • The next membership event will be the next Thursday drinks at the end of February.  Please make your best efforts to attend

Other meeting notes

  • The Treasurer confirmed that we have £7,050 pounds in the bank and that we expect to have a surplus of £1,000 by the end of the year.  With increasing costs (and fewer members) the current forecast is for a £1,000 deficit next year.  Membership Subs will have to be reviewed.
  • JWR highlighted the fact that president honorariums had not been paid recently (since before Covid) and that this should not be considered the norm.
  • John Ross presented Tom Hughes with the Golf Society Ryder Cup – Tom is 60th recipient of the Cup, and had also done very well in other golf society awards
  • Kevin Hartley of Ashton Circle asked brothers to consider becoming joint members of Ashton Circle (at no cost) and help them to reenergise and rebuild the Circle which is in danger of having to hand back its Charter.
  • Mike Chidgey – reminded brothers about Sam’s Luncheon Club on 14th Feb – the speaker will be Mike Connolly from Didsbury Circle.  The cost is £16 and the meal starts at 12:30.  Mike also asked for volunteers to take over the running of the Luncheon Club.
  • Mike Chidgey also passed on thanks from Peter Fleming’s widow for all the support the Catenians gave her – for the messages of condolence and attendance at the funeral – which was packed
  • Mike Guerin reminded brothers about the Sheffield Conference (May 19th) which is likely to be the last one in the North as future plans are moving towards a virtual conference.
  • Warrington Ladies evening is on 3rd March at Statham Lodge
  • John Sutton and John Ross are planning to visit Crewe Circle on 15th Feb – let John know if you wish to join them.

President’s Report

If anyone would like to attend the Council meeting, please let Stuart know.

Enrolment Anniversaries in February

David Perls (24yrs), John Sutton (11yrs)

Birthdays in February

Sean McGhee (7th ), John Ross (8th ), Stephen Graham (21st)

Warm Welcome Trophy

Presented to Peter Kerr of Brooklands Circle.

Minutes of the 771st Circle Meeting held on Monday 9th January, 2023

Presiding: Brother President John Long
Meeting started at 20:00, finished at 21:00


BrothersJohn Long, Sean McGhee, John Ross, Martin Relton, Nick Johnson, Richard Brown, John Sutton, Felix Martin, Tony Andrews, David Perls, Peter Lowe, John Williams-Rigby, Steve Graham, Eddie Haughey, John Finnan, Peter Doran, John Piper, Tom Hughes, Mike Hosker, Bill Gore, John Hurst, John Shaw, Richard Paley, Peter Pozzoni, Simeon Johnson, Alfonso Escauriaza On Zoom: Stuart Jones
Visitors –Brooklands – Hamid Attisha, Mike Chidgey, Peter Kerr, Tony Mottram, Tony Brown Warrington – Steve Sunderland
ApologiesJames Power, Mike Dobson, Martin Roberts Damian Grieves, Jim Flood, plus Tony Weir, James O’Dude, Paul Yearsley, Fabio Vitiello
There were 9 brothers not present with no apology

There were 27 Knutsford Brothers in attendance and 6 visitors.  There were 9 apologies

Actions outstanding from previous meetings

  1. All Brothers – nominations are need for the President, Vice President, and Treasurer for next year.  If you can help, please contact John or Stuart.

New actions from this meeting

  1. Stuart to invite the clergy to the charter dinner

Closed actions

  1. NA


  1. NA


Everyone was very pleased to witness the enrolment into the circle of Simeon Johnson and Alfonso Escauriaza.

Circle Prayers

The President led everyone in prayers for the sick Brothers from Knutsford: James O’Dude, Tony Weir, Joan Shaw (wife of Brother John), Also Bro Jim Flood’s niece’s child Finn and Peter Phillips (former President of the Circle) and Martin Relton’s mother Dorothy.

The president reported from Jim Flood that Finn (his nieces’ child) has now had his operation, that his family was very thankful for all our prayers.  Our prayers for his full recovery are still needed.

We also prayed for all those on the Provincial Sick List.

  • Brooklands: Father Pat Monroe (PP of St Hugh & St John’s), Sheila Connor (the Late Tom Conor’s Wife), John Constable, Mike Harrison, Gerry Langford, Matteo Llerena (Stephen Robinson’s Nephew), Sue O’Mahoney (Jim’s Wife) & Elizabeth Tierney (Peter Kerr’s Niece).
  • Crewe: Bro. Hugh & Maureen Brady, Alessandro Holmes-Amatiello, Stella Cooke (wife of Bro. Frank), Bro. Laurence Mooney
  • Didsbury: Bro. David Adams, Kathy Raftery (wife of Bro. Jim), Pat Ravening, (wife of Bro. Joe), Bro. Peter Sivori
  • Macclesfield: Jenny Carr, Bro. Norman and Barbara Clayton, , Pacita Hodkin, Lynne Mears, Ethel Kyte, Sue Wilbraham, Sally Boxer (Sister-in-Law of Bro Mike Guerin), Josephina Barbosa (Bro Ken’s mother), Jane Stutynskyj, Peter Onions (Christine Morton-Davies brother), Bro. Ross & Val Godlieb.
  • North Cheshire: Bro. Tony Jenkins
  • Ringway: Bro. Peter Fleming, Bro. Bernard Grimes, Bro. Derek & Greta Bottomley, Bro. Brian Cann, Trudie Denny
  • Warrington: Bro. John Atherton, Philomena Harvey, Bro. Tony Rudder, Bro. Tony & Meryl Wernham
  • Wilmslow: Bro. Brendan & Winifred Delaney, Dennis Hannah, Bro. Frank & Kath George, Bro. James & Jennifer O’Brien, Luciana Granelli, , Stephen Jenkins (son of Bro. Tony), Bro. Gaetano & Patricia Scappaticci, Bro. Kevin Hanrahan, Bro. Arnold & Dorothy Hillier, Bro. Anthony Sivori, Joan Quinn, Ann Rawcliffe, Frances Cherouvim (daughter of Bro. Gerald Ramsden)

Recent Deaths

We remember those Knutsford Brothers whose anniversaries are in November: Bob Cullen, Peter Duffy, Bernard Fitzgibbon, Peter Kerr, Bill Lucking, Edward Massey

We remember those who have died recently in Province:


An update on Tony and Margaret Weir was given and it was confirmed that Tony is now permanently in a care home in Northwich.  Margaret alos reported that she was pleased that Father David was coming round to give communion. that Bill Gore was now back at home. It was noted that Bill be 90 years old on 5th January.

JWR had also spoken with Sophie O’Dude who said that James was OK – though his heart condition still constrains his activities.

Secretary’s Report

  • Need nominees for circle officers – vacant positions include President, VP and Treasurer
  • Catena has announced the results of the recent vote on changing the required percentage for a majority to 55% – 78.5% of members voted in favour
  • Comments on restructuring report (sent out before Christmas) welcomed – send to Stuart

Provincial Report

  • The next Provincial meeting is on 10th Jan. and a membership meeting is expected late this month
  • Martin reminded brothers of a Provincial Mass – provisionally the 25th Feb
  • 27 people attended the Malta visit including John and Andre Ross from our Circle
  • Work is underway to improve the management of the provincial prayer list and the web site (though the latter is progressing slowly)

Social Events

  • Christmas dinner went very well, thanks given to Nick Johnson and Cottons Hotel
  • Thank-you to everyone who helped with the Crib – especially Kevin Morgan.  A great shame that the council cancelled the event – our disquiet over the decision has been communicated to the council.  John Long has received lots of favourable comments about the crib
  • A successful recollection on 15th December – spiritually uplifting and a pleasant evening.
  • Parish carol concert – we provided the post-concert refreshments with 70 people present
  • Christmas Beer and Curry – a great night for all who attended, especially good to see Peter Philips

Upcoming events are

  • Children’s Christmas Party – Sublime Science – Sunday 22nd January
  • Circle Charter Dinner – Friday 3rd February at Knutsford Golf Club (The cost of the Charter Dinner will be £27.). So far 18 people attending.  Black Tie
  • Parish Walk – TBA


  • After our two new joiners tonight, we will be restarting membership efforts wit the next Thursday drinks at the end of January.  Please make your best efforts to attend

Other meeting notes

  • The treasurer had distributed the financial report prior to the meeting – no questions were raised
  • Warrington Charter dinner – would welcome Knutsford Brothers
  • Provincial Speaking contest – would also welcome attendance, the flyer has already been sent out
  • Mike Chidgey – welcomed our two new brothers.

President’s Report

We need nominees for Council positions. Vice President and treasurer.  Aim is to ensure a great team is available to support the new president.

Father David has asked the Catenians to support the parish Rome trip.

Just Drop In – the first charity donation has been made and a meeting with Henry Brookes has been arranged regarding the new offices to h

Enrolment Anniversaries in January

Anthony Andrews (43yrs), Peter Lowe (19yrs), Michael Dobson (7yrs)

Birthdays in January

Bill Gore (5th), James Power (11th), Neil Farmer (13th), Richard Brown (17th), Eddie Haughey (25th)

Warm Welcome Trophy

Presented to Peter Kerr of Brooklands Circle.