Circle Meeting Minutes – Oct to Dec 2023

Knutsford Catenians: Circle 182 – Minutes of the 781st Circle Meeting held on Monday 6th November 2023

Presiding: Brother President John Long
Meeting started at 20:00, finished at 21:20


BrothersJohn Long, John Ross, Tom Hughes, Bill Gore, John Williams-Rigby, Stuart Jones, Jim Flood, John Sutton, Sean McGhee, Peter Pozzoni, Richard Paley, Peter Doran, Martin Relton, Mike Hosker, Steve Graham, Damian Grieves, Richard Brown, Felix Martin, Alfonso Escaurazia, Nick Johnson On Zoom – Simeon Johnson
Visitors –Brooklands – Mike Chidgey, Bill Bowdren
GuestsBipin Kuriakose, Gideon Hayford
ApologiesJames Power, John Hurst, Peter Lowe, Eddie Haughey, David Perls, Mike Dobson, John Piper, Tony Andrews plus Tony Weir, James O’Dude, Paul Yearsley, Fabio Vitiello
There were 6 brothers not present with no apology

There were 21 Knutsford Brothers in attendance, 2 visiting gentlemen and 2 visitors.  There were 12 apologies.

Actions outstanding from previous meetings


New actions from this meeting

  • Stuart to share more details about the proposal from head office to increase the capitation fees.

Closed actions

  • Council did review the proposal for support to new lawn mower and was happy to maintain our previous agreement.  Fortunately, the existing lawn mower has been repaired.


The president opened the meeting by welcoming to the meeting two brothers who have been absent recently due to serious health issues – Damain Grieves and Richard Brown.  He reflected the views of all present by saying how pleased we were to see them and that their health was improving.

The president also welcomed our two visiting gentlemen – Bipin Kuriakose and Gideon Hayford – hoping that they enjoyed the meeting.

Circle Prayers

The President led everyone in prayers for the sick Brothers from Knutsford:

Tony Andrews, Fran Gore, James O’Dude, Tony Weir and Joan Shaw (wife of Brother John), Also Bro Jim Flood’s niece’s child Finn, Peter Phillips (former President of the Circle and George Moon (great grandson of former brother Peter Kerr)

We also prayed for all those on the Provincial Sick List.

  • BROOKLANDS CIRCLE: Bro’s: Joe Moore, Gerry Langford, Matteo Llerena (Stephen Robinson’s Nephew), Elizabeth Tierney (Peter Kerr’s Niece) & Sheila Connor (wife of the late Tom Connor).
  • CREWE & DISTRICT CIRCLE: Kathleen Large (wife of Bro. Dennis), Stella Cooke (wife of Bro. Frank)
  • DIDSBURY: Eddie Haughey
  • NORTH CHESHIRE CIRCLE: Bro’s: Mike Bramwell
  • RINGWAY CIRCLE: Bro’s: Derek Bottomley, Brian Cann; Greta Bottomley, Trudie Denny, John Geddison (brother of Bro. Andrew Blaikie)
  • Warrington Circle:  Bro. John Atherton; Philomena Harvey (wife of Bro. Peter), Gillian Bolton (terminal cancer, sister in law of Bro. Mark Bolton), Paul Bolton (stroke, brother of Bro. Mark Bolton)
  • WILMSLOW CIRCLE: Bro Peter Jones, Kieran Moriarty, Tony Jenkins, Tom Lewis (major heart surgery, brother of Bro. Ken Lewis), Dorothy Hillier

Recent Deaths

We remember those Knutsford Brothers whose anniversaries are in November: Alan Burke, Jim Colquhoun, Clive Hanman, Susan Hughes, Jim Kemp, Bill Kilbride

We remember those who have died recently in Province:

  • Ashton Circle: Doctor Barney Kelly (August 3rd)
  • Macclesfield Circle: Bro. Michael Kurek (August 20th), Dr. David Asbury (Sep 16th), Dick Murphy (4th November)
  • Ringway Circle: Bro. Patrick Moore (August 1st)
  • Wilmslow Circle: Bro. Brendan Delaney (September 4th)


Tony Weir remains poorly and there has been no improvement.  

Tony Andrews has had two stents fitted in a recent operation (which went well) and is now recovering.

Damian Grieves thanked brothers for the prayers and support over the past months.  His treatment has gone well and his next appointment at Christies is not until January.  He noted that, in many respects, the past six months had been more difficult for Louise than for him.

Richard Brown also thanked the circle for their prayers and support since he was taken into hospital last month.  He had been very ill but was now recovering and keeping active.  He also endorsed Damian’s point about the pressure on his wife Louise whilst he was poorly.

Secretary’s Report

All correspondence has already been distributed.

Visits during September

  • Didsbury –Stuart Jones
  • Wilmslow –Stuart Jones

Provincial Report

The next meeting of the provincial council is 14th November.

The recent provincial weekend had gone well with two Knutsford brothers attending – John Sutton (with Jean) and Matt Lynch (with Elizabeth).

The provincial mass will take place on November 18th at 14:00 at Holy Angels.

The provincial carol service will take place on 10th December at St. Pious, Alderley Edge.


  • No report

Social Events

The mass for deceased brothers took place on Saturday 4th November and was reasonably well attended. The president was a bit disappointed with the numbers going to the lunch afterwards – however those who did attend the lunch had a very pleasant time.

Our next big event is the Christmas Dinner:

  • Only 13 people had booked prior to the meeting (Secretary’s note: After the meeting this number is now 29.  The president urged brothers to come along and support the event.
  • We will be fund raising for Just Drop In at the meal – there will be a raffle (the raffle is also being supported by the mini-Vinnies at St. Vincents)
  • The president asked for brothers to help by providing some ‘big prizes’ that could be auctioned at the meal.

Upcoming events

  • Parish Meal, Tuesday 28th November at Knutsford Golf Club (John Long)
  • Christmas Dinner at Cottons – Monday 4th December (John Long/Eddie Haughey)
  • School Christmas Fair – Friday 8th Dec. We will be supporting the bottle stall
  • Christmas Crib – Saturday 9th Dec at 16:00 (John Long)
  • Carol Service at church (we will provide refreshments) – Date TBC
  • Beer and Curry night – Wednesday or Thursday 16/17th Dec (John Long)
  • Children’s New Year Party ‘To Infinity and beyond’ – Sunday 14th Jan (Martin Relton)
  • Charter and Clergy Dinner at Knutsford Golf Club – Date TBC (John Long plus ?)
  • Book Club first meeting – date TBC (Stuart Jones)
  • Wine Tasting (as a joint event with the parish) – TBA in 2024 (Tom Hughes)
  • Avro Heritage Museum visit – Date TBC in 2024 (Sean McGhee)
  • Peover Hall visit followed by meal at the Dog – Date TBC in 2024 (Martin Relton)
  • Beartown Brewery visit – Date TBC in 2024 (Steve Graham)

The PTA have asked for the Catenians to run a bottle store at the School’s Christmas event on the 8th December.


  1. The president (and all present) welcomed again Bipin Kuriakose and Gideon Hayford – our visiting gentlemen.
  2. Our visitor from last month is expected to join us again in December.

President’s Report

  • No report (other than the social and membership updates provided above.


Vice-President’s Talk

Felix Marrtin gave a presentation about his thoughts on what the Circle should expect from his presidential year.  Some key points from the presentation are:

  • The Catenian association has a long and proud history and there is much that it does that we should retain.  However, we all know that membership is declining, and change/renewal is needed.
  • There is a need for renewal, to ensure the association is attractive to younger men and we need to get more members of the circle actively involved.
  • We all need to be more comfortable with the idea of doing things differently.
  • The circle has some key events – St. George’s Night, Christmas Dinner, Charter and Clergy Dinner – that are increasingly difficult to organise and with declining involvement of brothers.  For these to continue we need brothers to volunteer to help organise them.  If people do not volunteer it will be difficult for such events to go ahead.
  • A list of other proposed events was shown (all of which looked pretty good) designed to be attractive to younger brothers with families and well as older brothers.  These also need to be affordable.
  • Felix noted that often younger brothers have less disposable income than many older brothers and that we need to look at how we can reduce the ‘costs of membership’.
  • All changes to our approach will, of course, be discussed at Council and at Circle meetings.

After the talk Bill Gore raised a question about involvement of wives and partners in events and planning events.  It was noted that most of the events Felix had listed would involve wives and the families of brothers.  It was also noted that there was nothing to stop those who volunteer to organise and event asking wives and partners to help.

Tom Hughes encouraged Felix to think about evolution rather than revolution.

Nick Johnson reminded brothers that the big events do take a lot of effort and that we do need all members of the circle to help at times.  He also noted that the heart of the association was in supporting brothers (as had happened recently with Damian and Richard) and that we should not forget this.

Other meeting notes

John Sutton and Stuart Jones will be visiting Macclesfield Circle on November 23rd.  We would welcome other brothers joining us.

John Sutton mentioned that he has Christmas Cards available in support of Just Drop In.  They are £5 a pack.

Input from other circles

 Brooklands have a Ladies evening on the 25th Nov at Sale Ruby Club, cost is £38 a head.

Sam’s Luncheon Clun is on 5th Dec with the speaker being a brother from Crewe Circle who approves pilots as being fit to fly and still flies himself at the age of 82.  Mike has now handed over responsibility for organising the lunches to Steve Tierney of North Cheshire Circle.


Enrolment Anniversaries in November

John Hurst (30yrs), Richard Brown (25yrs), Fabio Vitiello (23yrs), Richard Paley (23yrs)

Birthdays in November

Peter Lowe (2nd), Tom Hughes (10th), Fabio Vitiello (12th), Michael Hosker (25th), Stuart Jones (28th)

Warm Welcome Trophy

The warm welcome trophy was given to Bill Bowdren.


The raffle raised £70 towards the cost of the Children’s Party.

Knutsford Catenians: Circle 182 – Minutes of the 780th Circle Meeting held on Monday 2nd October 2023

Presiding: Brother President John Long
Meeting started at 20:00, finished at 21:05


BrothersJohn Long, John Ross, Eddie Haughey, Tom Hughes, Bill Gore,  John Williams-Rigby, Stuart Jones, John Shaw, Jim Flood, John Sutton, Sean McGhee, Peter Pozzoni, Mike Dobson, Richard Paley, Peter Doran On Zoom – Simeon Johnson
Visitors –Brooklands – Mike Chidgey, Tony Mottram, Ged Smalley, Bruce Partington; Crewe – Harish Naraotham, Gerry Smoith, Michael Hassal ; Wilmslow – Roger Glover; North Cheshire – Steve Tierney
GuestsEamonn McManus
ApologiesJames Power, Damian Grieves, Nick Johnson, Felix Martin, Kevin Morgan, John Hurst, Richard Brown, Steve Graham, Peter Lowe, John Piper, Tony Andrews, Alfonso Escaurazia, Martin Relton plus Tony Weir, James O’Dude, Paul Yearsley, Fabio Vitiello
There were 6 brothers not present with no apology

There were 16 Knutsford Brothers in attendance and 9 visitors.  There were 17 apologies.

Actions outstanding from previous meetings


New actions from this meeting

  • Council to consider options for helping with a lawn mower for the church.

Closed actions

  • John Long to confirm date of Mass for Deceased.  Will be 4th November.
  • Council to urgently discuss subsidised cost for children at President’s Sunday and re-issue revised info.  Completed – Children U12 were free.

Circle Prayers

The President led everyone in prayers for the sick Brothers from Knutsford:

Damian Grieves, Fran Gore, James O’Dude, Tony Weir and Joan Shaw (wife of Brother John), Also Bro Jim Flood’s niece’s child Finn, Margaret Phillips, Peter Phillips (former President of the Circle and George Moon (great grandson of former brother Peter Kerr)

We also prayed for Richard Brown who had been taken into hospital the morning of the meeting.

We also prayed for all those on the Provincial Sick List.

  • BROOKLANDS CIRCLE: Bro’s: Joe Moore, Gerry Langford, Matteo Llerena (Stephen Robinson’s Nephew), Elizabeth Tierney (Peter Kerr’s Niece) & Sheila Connor (wife of the late Tom Connor).
  • CREWE & DISTRICT CIRCLE: Bro: Bryan Betts, Kathleen Large (wife of Bro. Dennis), Stella Cooke (wife of Bro. Frank), Liz Wimpenny (wife of Bro. Jack), Wendy Betts (wife of Bro. Bryan)
  • DIDSBURY: Eddie Haughey
  • NORTH CHESHIRE CIRCLE: Bro’s: Mike Bramwell
  • RINGWAY CIRCLE: Bro’s: Derek Bottomley, Brian Cann; Greta Bottomley, Trudie Denny
  • Warrington Circle:  Bro. John Atherton; Philomena Harvey (wife of Bro. Peter)
  • WILMSLOW CIRCLE: Bro Peter Jones, Dorothy Hillier

Recent Deaths

We remember those Knutsford Brothers whose anniversaries are in October: Paul Dobson, Dennis Hayward, Eric Kukla, Laurie Ryder, Dennis Wilkinson.

We remember those who have died recently in Province:

  • Ashton Circle: Doctor Barney Kelly (August 3rd)
  • Macclesfield Circle: Bro. Michael Kurek (August 20th), Dr. David Asbury (Sep 16th)
  • Ringway Circle: Bro. Patrick Moore (August 1st)
  • Wilmslow Circle: Bro. Brendan Delaney (September 4th)


Tony Weir remains poorly and now only really recognises Margaret, who visits him twice a week.  

Tony Andrews is having an angiogram on Friday, 6th October.

No other updates were available.

Secretary’s Report

All correspondence has already been distributed.

Visits during September

  • Ringway – John Sutton, Stuart Jones
  • Brooklands – John Sutton, Martin Relton, Stuart Jones
  • Warrington – John Sutton, John Williams-Rigby

Provincial Report

Eighty people attended the successful 1,000 meeting at Warrington Circle.

Mike Chidgey briefly discussed the renewed focus on visiting and thanked Bill Gore and John Ross for the letter.  John thanked the provincial council for taking their letter seriously.


  • President’s Sunday made a surplus of £39 together with a total of £210 raised for the President’s charity.
  • Only one subscription remains outstanding.
  • We have about £6,300 in the bank together with £325 for JustDropIn
  • At the last meeting we raised £83 for the children’s new year party.

Social Events

President’s Sunday at the Beeches crazy golf went very well with 50 people attending with ages ranging from about 4 to over 90.

We also had a successful recollection at Thorneycroft Hall on the 27th September with 9 attending.

Upcoming events

  • Wine Tasting (as a joint event with the parish) – TBA in November (Tom Hughes)
  • Mass for deceased brothers – Saturday Nov 4th at noon (John Long/Stuart Jones)
  • Christmas Dinner at Cottons – Monday 4th December (John Long/Eddie Haughey)
  • Christmas Crib – Saturday 9th Dec (John Long)
  • Beer and Curry night – Thursday 17th Dec (John Long)
  • Children’s New Year Party ‘To Infinity and beyond’ – Sunday 14th Jan (Martin Relton)
  • Charter and Clergy Dinner at Knutsford Golf Club – Date TBC (John Long plus ?)
  • Book Club first meeting – date TBC (Stuart Jones)
  • Avro Heritage Museum visit – Date TBC in 2024 (Sean McGhee)
  • Peover Hall visit followed by meal at the Dog – Date TBC in 2024 (Martin Relton)
  • Beartown Brewery visit – Date TBC in 2024 (Steve Graham)

The PTA have asked for the Catenians to run a bottle store at the School’s Christmas event on the 8th December


  1. The president (and all present) welcomed Eamonn McManus – our visiting gentleman.
  2. The president did a successful ‘pulpit pitch’ at all masses on the 10th September.  There has been some follow-on interest.
  3. The Thursday drinks, hosted by Alfonso, went very well on the 28th September.

President’s Report

Other meeting notes

Brother Bill reminded the circle of the note sent out by John Finnan asking for help in finding job opportunities for local refugees.

Tom Hughes asked for brothers to consider helping with keeping the church grounds neat and tidy.  He also asked council to consider whether the circle could help out with the costs of a new lawnmower.

Stuart Jones informed brothers that he was considering starting a book club and asked any brothers who were interested to speak to him.

Input from other circles

 Brooklands – have a presentation of a 60 year scroll at their next meeting and would welcome visitors.  They also have a Ladies evening on the 25th Nov at Sale Ruby Club, cost is £38 a head.

Sam’s Luncheon Clun is on 10th Oct with the speaker being Father Christmas.  Mike has now handed over responsibility for organising the lunches to Steve Tierney of North Cheshire Circle.

The provincial mass for carers and those cared for will take place on the 18th November at 14:00, the SVP will also be there.

At the next meeting Manchester No.1 Circle there will be the presentation of two 60 year scrolls followed by a meal (£24 a head)

Wilmslow Circle have their annual Italian meeting on the 11th Nov at Ringway Golf Club.

Enrolment Anniversaries in October

John Finnan (22yrs)

Birthdays in October

John Hurst (21st), Simeon Johnson (28th)

Warm Welcome Trophy

The warm welcome trophy was given to Roger Glover.